Alexander M. Glutz
Dr. iur., attorney-at-law, Partner
St. Gall University, School of Law (lic. iur. HSG, 2003); admitted to the bar (2005); Basel University, School of Law (Dr. iur., magna cum laude, 2009)
Professional Experience
Research assistant with the chair of Prof. Dr. Rainer J. Schweizer (Public Law, including European Law and Public International Law, St. Gall University, School of Law, 2001-2003); extraordinary law clerk at the Courts of Appenzell Inner Rhodes (District Court of Oberegg, of Appenzell as well as the Court of Appeals of the Canton of Appenzell Inner Rhodes, 2003/2004); practising as an attorney since 2006; collaboration with the Research Center for Information Law (FIR-HSG, St. Gall University) and the Legal Research Association (FR-HSG, St. Gall University); associate with the law firm since 2010, partner since 2019
German, English, French
Preferred Areas of Practice
Litigation (incl. administrative and legal assistance)
- Pre-Litigation: We analyse the factual and legal situation, assess the litigation prospects and risks of your case and - if appropriate - conduct out-of-court settlement discussions with the counterparty.
- Litigation and Arbitration: We develop sustainable litigation strategies and draft efficient legal submissions, assist you in court hearings and meetings with authorities and - if necessary - challenge court decisions.
- the transmission of information and evidence abroad
- cross-border inter-corporate investigations
- issues concerning data protection
- the detection and recovery of assets in Switzerland
- the seizure, unfreezing and repatriation of such assets
Banking and Finance (incl. Securities Law, investigations, FinTech)
- Contracts / General Terms and Conditions: Drafting and advancement of contracts as well as general terms and conditions related to banking and financial markets
- Loan Security: Contracts on loan securities, bank guarantees etc.
- Digital Banking: Development of legally compliant digital procedures and related documents
- Opinions: Drafting of legal opinions and expert opinions
- Collective Investment Schemes: Foundation and Distribution
- Directive System: Drafting and implementation of directives, internal rules, by-laws and regulations etc.
- Investigation: Advice and support with regard to internal investigations
- Outsourcing Legal: Provision of outsourced legal services as a relief of internal legal and compliance
- Regulatory Matters: Advice on regulatory developments and their internal implementation
- Litigation: Advice and representation of financial institutions as well as institutional and private clients in (pre-)litigation and arbitration proceedings (see also Litigation and Arbitration)
Business Law (incl. Contract Law, Corporate Law, Transactions / Mergers & Acquisitions, IT Law, Real Estate)
- incorporation of companies, corporations and establishment of branches
- company reorganisations and restructurings
- drawing up customised shareholder agreements and transfer Agreements
- establishment of company structures incl. by-laws and other internal regulations and directives, such as rules on management transactions, insider trading, data protection, anti-corruption etc.
- governance and compliance matters
- providing advice and support in organising shareholders' general meetings of listed and private companies: invitation, script, coordination of shareholders‘ ledger, keeping of the minutes, independent shareholders’ representative
- duties and liabilities of board members and Management
- agreements with regard to board members and senior Managers
- succession planning and inheritance law
- providing legal support for start start-ups
- mergers & acquisitions, incl. due diligence
- due diligence process (including zoning and real estate register law issues)
- contracts on real estate transactions
- drafting of property by floor regulations
- contracts of work and Services
- enforcement of warranty claims / protection against warranty Claims
- tenancy law disputes
Tax Law
- general tax advice and planning for private and corporate Clients
- providing advice and support in taking up Swiss residency for the first time
- advice on taking up self-employment
- tax advice with regard to real estate matters, in particular capital gains tax on real estate
- reorganisation and restructuring of companies and obtaining tax rulings
- succession planning of companies and review of the company structures
- representation in tax proceedings before cantonal and federal authorities and courts, incl. supplementary tax proceedings and penal proceedings
Kommentar zu Art. 9 IRSG (Schutz des Geheimbereichs) und 67a IRSG (Unaufgeforderte Übermittlung von Beweismitteln und Informationen)
Basler Kommentar Internationales Strafrecht (IRSG, GWÜ), Marcel Alexander Niggli / Stefan Heimgartner (Hrsg.), 1. Auflage, Basel (2015).
Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag Buchshop
Das Bundesgesetz zum Steuerstreit verletzt den Rechtsstaat und die Demokratie,
Jusletter 10. Juni 2013
(Co-Autor, mit Prof. Dr. Rainer J. Schweizer und Dr. Markus H.F. Mohler).
Download PDF
Beschwerde ans Bundesgericht gegen Entscheide des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts auf dem Gebiet der internationalen Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen (Art. 84 BGG)
– Die materielle Abgrenzung von Amts- und Rechtshilfe am aktuellen Beispiel der strafprozessual unzulässigen amerikanischen «fishing expeditions» («Gruppenanfragen»), in: ASA 80 (2011/2012), S. 713 ff.
Download PDF
Wie die Empfehlungen des Eidgenössischen Datenschutz- und Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragten gegenüber privaten Datenbearbeitern umgesetzt werden,
Jusletter 21. Februar 2011 (Co-Autor, mit Prof. Dr. Rainer J. Schweizer).
Download PDF
Die spontane Übermittlung – Die unaufgeforderte Übermittlung von Beweismitteln und Informationen ins Ausland gemäss Art. 67a IRSG,
Schweizer Schriften zum Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Bd. 288, (Diss. Basel), Zürich 2010.
Internationale Amtshilfe – Die Übermittlung kundenbezogener Information aus dem Geheimbereich im Vorfeld ausländischer Strafverfahren am Beispiel des Insiderhandels,
Patrick Sutter (Hrsg.), Selbstbestimmung und Recht, Festgabe für Rainer J. Schweizer, Zürich 2003, 93 ff.
Finanzielle Verpflichtungen des Kantons Glarus gegenüber seiner Gemeinde Braunwald aus der Verflechtung des Kantons mit dem “System Braunwald”,
Januar/März 2003 (Co-Autor, mit Prof. Dr. Rainer J. Schweizer).
Your contact person according to area of practice

Patrizia Holenstein, Dr. iur., LL.M.

Thomas P. Zemp, lic. iur. HSG

Vera Schmidt,lic. iur., LL.M.

Damiano Brusa, lic. iur., LL.M.

Mauro Nicoli, lic. iur., LL.M.

Franco Lorandi, Prof. Dr. iur. LL.M.

Marc R. Büttler, lic. iur., LL.M.

Jurij Benn, Dr. iur., certified tax expert

Alexander M. Glutz, Dr. iur.

Dusan Knezevic, MLaw

Bastian Heinel, Dr. iur.

Julia Rüegg, MLaw